Show your support for a local small business owner...Don't know Ms Bundy with her cosmetic line...I respect the street hustle!!!!
Get that $hit Girl
A Prayer To Be A People Of Prayer
Father, we are so grateful for the power of prayer and its positive affect in our lives. Yet we confess that we don’t avail ourselves to Your prescribed means of communication nearly as often as we should. Jesus quoted Scripture when refuting Satan’s temptations in the wilderness experience and He spent time in intense prayer when He needed strength, courage, and faith for the trials that lay ahead. We likewise pray for our brothers and sisters, that their faith in You will mature and that they will remain faithful in times of testing. We pray for ourselves that we will stand firm and remain confident in our Christian faith as we oppose the evil forces in this world. In the name of Jesus we ask these things.
A Prayer For Spiritual Fruitfulness
Father, You who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until You call me heavenward or until the day of Christ’s return. May I willingly submit and quickly obey Your voice so that I will bear much spiritual fruit. I pray that the Fruit of the Spirit will characterize my life as I faithfully yield to the work of the Holy Spirit.
A Prayer For A Heart Cleansing
Father, You are the Divine cardiologist who knows the very inmost part of my spiritual heart. People see only the outward person when I am proficient at presenting myself differently than the person I really am inside, but I cannot hide from You that which comes from my inward parts. You liken the heart to that which is the most central part of our emotions and character. I invite You to not only search my heart, but I ask You to remove the offensive contaminants such as jealousy, bitterness, disobedience, rage, or any other impurity that destroys my soul, for no one but You can heal all my soul’s diseases. *I praise You, Lord, for cleansing me from sin. Fulfill Your word and make me pure within. Fill me with fire, where once I burned with shame; grant my desire to magnify Your name.